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Niwa offers the latest and most innovative cosmetic treatments to help you achieve your desired look. We strive to provide our clients with the most advanced and effective cosmetic treatments available today. Our newest addition to our treatments is Renuvion Skin Tightening, an FDA-cleared cutting-edge technology used to help tighten and rejuvenate the skin, giving our clients a more youthful and refreshed appearance. This treatment can be done as a stand alone treatment, or in addition to Vaser Liposuction or EON Body Contouring treatments.

The Science Behind Renuvion Skin Tightening

Renuvion utilizes a unique combination of radiofrequency energy and helium plasma to stimulate collagen production in the skin. This results in firmer, tighter, and more youthful-looking skin. The treatment is minimally invasive and requires only a small incision to access the treatment area. The Renuvion device delivers the energy through a small wand-like device, which is gently passed over the skin. The energy is carefully controlled, ensuring that only the targeted tissues are affected, leaving surrounding tissues unharmed.

Who is a Good Candidate for Renuvion Skin Tightening?

Renuvion is an excellent option for individuals who are looking to tighten and firm the skin on various parts of their body, including the face, neck, arms, abdomen, thighs, and buttocks. The treatment is ideal for those who have sagging or loose skin due to aging, weight loss, or pregnancy. It is important to note that Renuvion is not a weight loss treatment, and patients should have realistic expectations about the results they can achieve. Patients who are committed to making lifestyle changes and maintaining a healthy weight are the best candidates for Renuvion Skin Tightening.

Frequently Asked Questions about Renuvion Skin Tightening Treatment

Yes, Renuvion Skin Tightening is safe and FDA-cleared. The technology has been used for over a decade with great success.

Patients typically experience only mild discomfort during the treatment, which can be managed with local anesthesia and mild sedation.

Most patients experience minimal downtime and can resume normal activities within a few days.

The treatment time varies depending on the area being treated, but most sessions take between 30 minutes to 2 hours

Results can be seen immediately after the treatment, but optimal results are typically achieved over the course of several months as collagen production continues.

If you’ve recently lost a significant amount of weight, have loose or sagging skin from pregnancy, but are overall at your ideal weight, Renuvion can be done as a stand alone treatment. However, since we are making incisions into the skin, most patients will benefit from some targeted fat removal through either Vaser Liposuction, or our non-invasive EON Body Contouring treatments. During your consultation, your Patient Coordinator and Dr. Donkoh will make that assessment and give you recommendations so that you can make an informed decision to get you the results you desire!

Yes, a compression garment is typically recommended after Renuvion Skin Tightening treatment to help reduce swelling and improve the skin’s contouring. The compression garment should be worn for a few weeks after the treatment, depending on the area treated and the extent of the treatment. Your cosmetic surgeon will provide specific instructions on how long you should wear the compression garment and how to care for it. It is important to follow all post-treatment instructions to ensure optimal results. During your consultation, you will be measured for your compression garment, and you will be provided with one complimentary garment after your procedure by Niwa.

Whether you should get EvexiPEL® Hormone Replacement Therapy or IV Nutrition after your Renuvion Skin Tightening procedure depends on your individual needs and goals. Both therapies can help improve your overall health and wellbeing, but they address different concerns.

EvexiPEL® Hormone Replacement Therapy can be beneficial for individuals experiencing hormonal imbalances, such as menopause or andropause. This therapy involves the insertion of a small hormone pellet under the skin to restore hormonal balance and alleviate symptoms such as hot flashes, mood swings, and low libido.

IV Nutrition, on the other hand, is a therapy that involves the administration of a cocktail of vitamins and nutrients intravenously. This therapy can be beneficial for individuals looking to improve their overall health and wellbeing, boost their immune system, and increase their energy levels.

Both EvexiPEL® Hormone Replacement Therapy and IV Nutrition can be helpful in conjunction with Renuvion Skin Tightening treatments, as they can help support the body’s healing process and improve overall health. It is important to consult with your cosmetic surgeon or a qualified medical professional to determine if these therapies are appropriate for you and which one may be the best fit for your specific needs and goals.

If you are considering getting neurotoxins such as Botox or Xeomin and/or dermal fillers in addition to Renuvion Skin Tightening, it is important to coordinate with your cosmetic surgeon to determine the best timing for these treatments.

In general, it is recommended to wait until after the Renuvion treatment area has fully healed and any swelling or bruising has subsided before getting neurotoxins or dermal fillers. This is typically around 2-4 weeks after the Renuvion procedure, but the exact timing may vary depending on the individual and the extent of the treatment.

By waiting until the Renuvion treatment area has fully healed, you can ensure that the neurotoxins or dermal fillers are injected into a stable and predictable environment. Additionally, getting these treatments after Renuvion can help enhance the overall results, as they can help further improve the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, and volume loss in the treated area.

It is important to discuss your goals and concerns with your cosmetic surgeon and follow their recommendations for timing and combination of treatments to achieve the best possible results.

To improve your results after Renuvion Skin Tightening treatment, there are a few things you can do. Here are some suggestions:

  1. Follow a healthy lifestyle: Adopting a healthy lifestyle can help improve the overall appearance of your skin. Eating a healthy diet, exercising regularly, and getting enough sleep can help improve your skin’s elasticity and promote a youthful appearance.
  2. Stay hydrated: Drinking plenty of water can help keep your skin hydrated and improve its overall appearance. Aim to drink at least 8 glasses of water per day.
  3. Use a high-quality moisturizer: Using a high-quality moisturizer can help improve the texture and appearance of your skin. Look for moisturizers that contain antioxidants and vitamins, which can help protect and nourish the skin. Medical Grade Skin Care is recommended for optimal results.
  4. Use sunscreen: Protecting your skin from the sun is essential to maintain its health and appearance. Use a broad-spectrum sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30 and reapply it every 2 hours when outdoors.
  5. Consider complementary treatments: Complementary treatments, such as Vaser Liposuction or EON non-invasive body contouring treatments, can help improve the overall appearance of your body by reducing fat pockets and contouring the shape of your body.
  6. Follow your surgeon’s instructions: Following your cosmetic surgeon’s post-treatment instructions is essential to ensure optimal results. Attend all follow-up appointments and follow the recommended aftercare instructions.

By following these tips, you can help improve the results of your Renuvion Skin Tightening treatments and maintain a youthful, healthy appearance.

After your Renuvion Skin Tightening treatment, there are certain things you should avoid to ensure the best possible results. Here are a few things to keep in mind:

  1. Avoid sun exposure: Direct exposure to the sun can be harmful to the skin, especially after a cosmetic procedure. You should avoid sun exposure and use sunscreen when going outside.
  2. Avoid strenuous exercise: You should avoid strenuous exercise for several days after the treatment to allow the body to heal properly. Your cosmetic surgeon will provide specific instructions on when you can resume your regular exercise routine.
  3. Do not scratch or rub the treated area: Scratching or rubbing the treated area can damage the skin and affect the healing process. You should avoid touching the treated area for several days after the treatment.
  4. Do not take blood-thinning medications: You should avoid taking blood-thinning medications, such as aspirin or ibuprofen, for a few days after the treatment. These medications can increase the risk of bleeding and bruising.
  5. Avoid smoking and alcohol: Smoking and alcohol can slow down the healing process and increase the risk of complications. It is recommended that you avoid smoking and alcohol for several weeks after the treatment.

Dr. Donkoh will provide you with specific instructions on what to do and what not to do after your Renuvion Skin Tightening treatment. It is important to follow these instructions carefully to ensure optimal results.

Vaser Liposuction and EON Non-Invasive Body Contouring

If you are interested in losing fat pockets in addition to tightening your skin, we recommend Vaser Liposuction or EON Non-Invasive Body Contouring treatments. These treatments are safe, effective, and minimally invasive, providing you with the results you desire.

Additional Therapies

At Niwa Aesthetics, we understand that achieving your desired look is not just about one treatment, we are committed to optimal health, with lasting results. That’s why we offer additional therapies that may be helpful on your wellness journey, such as Vaser Liposuction, Renuvion Skin Tightening, Eon non-invasive Body Sculpting, IV nutrition, medical weight loss, Dermal Fillers, and Neurotoxins such as Botox and Xeomin.

Contact Us Today

If you are interested in Renuvion Skin Tightening, Vaser Liposuction, EON Non-Invasive Body Contouring, or any of our other treatments, contact us today to schedule a consultation with Dr. Donkoh. We look forward to helping you achieve your goals.

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